The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Olympic Education Program in the Formation of Behavioral Traits of Primary School Students


  • Kateryna Kostrikova Kherson State University
  • Olga Koltsova Kherson State University
  • Victoria Koval Kherson State University
  • Ivan Hlukhov Kherson State University



Olympic education, healthy lifestyle, competencies, program, primary school, secondary education


The article highlights the urgency of the problem of forming a culture of health and healthy lifestyle of primary school students in secondary schools. Due to the process of integration of the Olympic education program into secondary schools, it is be built with the help of cross-curricular technology, which assumes that each lesson is a separate block that has a clearly defined structure. The teacher’s activity was reduce not to the retransmission of knowledge, but the creation of a competent educational environment for search and discovery. The program of Olympic education is consider, which is a prerequisite for young people to join sports, leading to the growth of a healthy lifestyle, a positive impact on the formation of values and personality. An important feature of integrating Olympic values into the educational process of schoolchildren is the encouragement of a clear and consistent message about how important sport is to a culture that has a huge educational impact. To identify the effectiveness of the program with the use of Olympic values in the process of working with students of secondary schools in Kherson was a comprehensive diagnosis of behavioral traits and values of children using the method «Olympic Questionnaire» R. Telama, semantic differential method V. F. Petrenko. It was preventing with the introduction of the Olympic education program in secondary schools, children and young people understand that longevity, which is due to sports, illuminates other goals of life and helps to find their way in society.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Olympic Education Program in the Formation of Behavioral Traits of Primary School Students. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(51), 23-31.