Contemporary Approaches to the Formation of Students’ Health Culture
health culture, health-preserving competence, future specialists in in physical culture and sportsAbstract
Relevance of the Research Topic. The necessity of using effective approaches to the health culture formation of students – future specialists in physical culture and sports has been proved. Health culture is an integral part of the professional growth of physical education and sports experts. School environment requires a competent specialist to form a health-preserving position of each student. The Research Aimed to reveal the necessity of using effective approaches to the health culture creation of students that leads to competent specialist formation for determination of a health-preserving position of every learner. Research Methods include study, analysis, and systematization of literary sources and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience to outline the significance of the content formation of academic disciplines, as well as criteria for competence assessment of students in educational subjects: «Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle», «Non-traditional healing methods», «Types of health and recreational motor activity». The necessity in searching efficient approaches to the health culture formation has been determined. Research Results. Informational and incentive, cognitive, active and evaluative approaches to the students’ health culture level formation have been proposed. The conditions under which the content of educational programs is realized and the health-preserving competence of students is formed have been disclosed. Conclusions. The determined approaches (informational and incentive, cognitive, active and evaluative) have become a priority in the higher education system. The proposed conditions form positive dynamics of growth of the health culture level of students, the difference between the initial and final level increased to 52,9 % in the experimental groups and 22,36 % in the control groups. Along with professional subjects, students increasingly choose such educational disciplines that have opportunities to develop knowledge about the growth of the health culture level, which motivates a healthy lifestyle and forms a health-preserving competence.
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