Particularities of the Program for Psychophysiological Indicators’ Recovery in Hсu Senior Pupils


  • Natalia Ulyanytska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Svitlana Indyka Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olga Andriychuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olena Yakobson Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Natalia Grayda Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Volodymyr Lavrenyuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



recovery program, computer impact, senior pupils, space perception, attention.


Topicality. The teaching of senior pupils is characterized by the widespread use of computers. It is established that visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color perception, minimum separation and perception are changed under the influence of work on the monitor, but these indictors can be corrected. Our aim was to investigate the space perception and attention in HCU senior pupils and the impact of the author’s recovery program on these indicators determined by the function of cortical neurons. Research Methods. 56 senior pupils aged 15–16 with emetropic refraction without ophthalmological, somatic and mental disorders were examined by psychophysiological techniques. Nonparametric method (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) was used for statistical analysis. Results. It was found that one-hour work on a display led to a decay of the research function at 27 %. Short-term (15 min) passive rest of the eyes did not change the value of the studied indicator in senior pupils after 60-minute visual load. Performing of a restorative and breathing exercise set after one-hour work on a display, caused a significant increase in the space perception by 22 %. This parameter reached the initial level. Our study of the stability of focused attention showed that 28,57 % of pupils belonged to the first rank, 32,14 % to the second, 25,00 % to the third, and 14,29 % to the fourth. 60-minute visual load led to a decrease in the stability of concentrated attention by 46,7 %. 15-minute passive rest did not significantly affect the stability of focused attention. Performing of restorative and breathing exercise set after 1-hour work on a display, caused a significant increase in concentrated attention (by 43,5 %). Regarding the distribution of pupils by ranks, it was found that 28,57 % of respondents belonged to the first rank, the second – 32,14 %, the third – 28,57 % and the fourth – 10,71 %. Conclusions. Thus, the one-hour work of adolescents on displays leads to a decrease in space perception and stability of attention concentration, which does not improve after a passive 15-minute rest. These parameters recover after a set of exercises that can be recommended for use as HCUs as at educational institutions to restore visual functions and prevent visual disturbances.


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Particularities of the Program for Psychophysiological Indicators’ Recovery in Hсu Senior Pupils. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2 (50), 78-84.

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