The influence of football classes on physical state of schoolchildren.


  • Sergii Galiuza O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications



young football players, physical development, physical preparadness, stage of initial training, sport


The research topic relevance. To increase the efficiency of the training process and to rise mastership steadily, it is exclusively significant to consider the interconnection of physical and technical education of football players. The proper organization of the training process must promote the high level of development and reliability of those organism systems that bear the main loadings performing multiple techniques in terms of trainings and competitions. The aim and methods or the research methodology. This article aims to expand the ideas about the influence of football classes on the physical development and fitness of young football players compared to non-sports peers and to study the interconnection of physical development and formation level of particular physical qualities. The work is based on the study of 20 boys aged 8-9 years engaged in football in different secondary schools of Odessa city, who formed the experimental group. As the control group, 17 boys aged 8-9 years, who study according to the nationwide program attend physical education classes and do not play sports after school hours, have been examined. Work results and key conclusions. According to the test of special physical preparedness, despite a good average estimate, a significant number of football players have a lag in the manifestations of speed, lower limb strength and coordination skills, which demands appropriate analysis and identification of relationship with physical development parameters. The obtained results analysis allows concluding that except the training orientation on the development of speed and strength abilities, which require improvement during the training process, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of abdominal muscles, breath and lower limbs, that can be realized in the direction of special physical training and be reflected in the estimated abstracts of football training sessions in the specified groups of schoolchildren.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

The influence of football classes on physical state of schoolchildren. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2 (50), 60-67.