The model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization


  • Olena Shynkarova State Institution «Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University»



leisure and recreational activities, model, readiness, physical culture and sports bachelors


Introduction. In recent years, scientists have paid attention to the realization of a personality needs of student youth in professional, personal, and cultural development, the formation of a competitive specialist in a contemporary labour market. It should be noted that higher education needs to improve the quality of training and respond to society requirements more quickly. Therefore, significant changes in higher professional education quality are necessary. The research aims to develop the model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization. The research methods. To achieve the set aim, the theoretical research methods were used: analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, theoretical modelling, which were conducted to generalize the scientists’ experience who study the issue of the readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization. The research results. The description and theoretical grounding of the components of this process are considered under the model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization. The process of the model development included the following stages: analysis of the studied phenomenon, generalization of the gained experience, development of the research program. The model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization has been developed and presented in the course of the research. The model is developed as totality of certain components and comprises psychological, pedagogical, and organizational conditions of its formation and summarizes the research results. Conclusions. The model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization has been developed and theoretically grounded. The result is positive tendency in the readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization. The model has open character, is constantly evolving and, if necessary, can be replenished with new components.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

The model of readiness formation of physical culture and sports future bachelors for leisure and recreational activities organization. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2 (50), 26-32.