Optimization tasks in the structure of educational process of physical culture and sports higher education institutions
tourism, route, construction, optimization, information technologies, task, salesmanAbstract
The research relevance. It is proved that the implementation of professional activities by contemporary specialists at a high professional level in terms of advanced information environment provides free possession of information and communication technologies in solving professionally-oriented tasks. The scientific and pedagogical community is focused on the issue of forming information and technological competence of applicants of physical culture and sports higher education institutions. The research aims to develop methods of forming of information and technological competence of applicants of physical culture and sports higher educational institutions on the example of future tourism specialists in the process of modeling tourist flows. The research methods: study, analysis, and systematization of literary sources and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience have been conducted to outline the importance of forming in applicants of higher education abilities to apply information and communication technologies to solve practice-oriented tasks; methods of mathematical programming were used in the process of optimization tasks development. The research results. It is proposed to improve the content of professional training of higher education applicants by forming the competence to solve professionally-oriented tasks in the process of modelling tourist flows. The idea of the method is considered in the course of solving a classic problem of a salesman, which lies in finding a minimum length closed route, which connects all points of a tourist network. The conclusions. The proposed approach is realized in the form of lectures and practical classes. The lecture covers the role and place of information and communication technologies in the service sector of consumers of tourist services, ways of their use to compile tourist routes, review of typical optimization tasks, formulation of a salesman’s task and presentation of diverse methods of finding its solutions. The practical lesson offers the collective discussion of the walking route and identification of possible ways to move, the algorithm for solving the task with the help of the Solver Add-in in Excel, where the distance matrix is also built using a Google map and images of the found route.
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