The effect of Cycle training on the physical condition of young women


  • Yevhenii Strykalenko Kherson State University
  • Oleh Shalar Kherson State University
  • Rehina Andrieieva Kherson State University
  • Ihor Zhosan Kherson State University
  • Viktoriia Koval Kherson State University
  • Oksana Shvets Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University



fitness, Cycle, young women, physical and functional training


Relevance of the research topic. Cycle is an aerobic kind of sport, as it influences the strengthening of cardiovascular system, muscles development, increases the level of general and special endurance and enables to correct weight parameters. Despite the advancement of modern fitness technologies and the large number of fitness programs developed, most of them are not based on a deep understanding of the functional mechanisms of training women in reproductive age, and do not take into account the problems of individualization in order to optimize its effectiveness. Purpose and research methods. The purpose of the work is to devise the methods of Cycle training lessons and reveal the efficiency of their influence on the rate of the physical sate of young women. The contingent of the research is young women, who worked out in the gym “Hammer”. In the research we have implemented such methods: method of pedagogical testing of physical training, medical-biological methods of the evaluation of functional condition of cardiovascular and respiratory system, pedagogical experiment, focused on implementing the methods of Cycle training to increase the rate of functional and physical training level of young women, method of mathematic statistics. Results and key conclusions. Cycle training lessons demonstrate positive results of test’s rate level from 11,3 to 39,6 %. It has been revealed that discrepancy between initial and final data of all the four test parameters are valid (two of them refer to physical training – even running for 2000 m., arm bending and extension in the upper arm support position, two parameters refer to functional physical training  – Ruffier functional test, the index of Harvard’s step-test) (р < 0,05, р < 0,01). It proves the statement as for the direct influence of Cycle fitness-trainings on the mechanisms of functional adaptation to long physical activity.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

The effect of Cycle training on the physical condition of young women. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(48), 68-73.