The Analysis of the Status of Individual Indicators of Physical and Functional Development of Schoolchildren 11–12 Years with Convulsion
posture, stoop, guys, motor functions, functional state, physical developmentAbstract
Topicality. In connection with prolonged sitting in the classroom, a sedentary lifestyle during the training period, the problem of forming correct posture is of particular importance. Stoop is the most common form of kyphosis – a curvature of the upper spine. The Purpose of the Study is the analysis of individual indicators of the physical and functional development of schoolchildren aged 11–12, in whom a stoop was detected. Material and Research Methods. The study involved 12 children with a stoop at the age of 11–12 years and 12 healthy peers of secondary school I– III stages s. Prilutsk, Volyn region. The study used theoretical research methods, clinical examination, questionnaires, surveys, anthropometric methods, functional methods, and diagnostics of motor functions. The Results of the Study. The study found that 57 (66,3 %) schoolchildren have various disorders of posture. Questioning and communication allowed us to determine that in children with stoop, there is a restriction in the movements of the spine, which causes pain and fatigue, and it becomes difficult to concentrate. An analysis of the results of an anthropometric examination of children aged 11–12 showed that the growth of children with a stoop higher than their peers without stooping, body mass indicators are slightly increased compared to healthy ones, which can be explained by lower motor activity, muscle strength of the hand of a strong arm is weaker in stooped children. The data on the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system in adolescents aged 11–12 indicate a limitation in motor activity due to stoop. A study showed that stoop affects spinal mobility. The average forward bend in stooped children was 1,62 ± 0,7 cm, which does not correspond to the age norm. The obtained average indicators of the strength of the muscles of the back indicate their insufficient development in both groups, while the strength of the muscles of the back in healthy adolescents is much greater compared to stooped guys.
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