Influence of the Community Organization «Bukowiner Allgemeiner Sportklub» on Development of the Sport Movement on Bucovina
Austria-Hungary Empire, beginning of the 20 century, sport club, section, regulations, competitionAbstract
Introduction. The end of the ХІХ – beginning of the ХХ century was a period when there were great social, political and economic conditions on Bucovina, the kings land of Austria-Hungary Empire for development of education, science and culture. The number of community organizations was increased, and directions of their activities become wider. Created organizations usually can fully solve the problems of physical education and activity of children and juniors. «Bukowiner Allgemeiner Sportklub» become the pioneer of a sport development. The objective of research – to analyze activity of «Bukowiner Allgemeiner Sportklub», determine its influence to development of sport movement in Bukovina on the beginning of ХХ century. Methods of research – studying the literature sources, documental and historical materials, theoretical analysis and synthesis of received information. In research we used the information gained from organization funds of Austria (since 1867, Austro-Hungary) 1775–1918 years of State Achieve of Chernivtsi region. Results of the research. «Bukowiner Allgemeiner Sportklub» – is a community organization that act on Bucovina in 1910-1913 years. Its activity hadn’t any political, national or confessional prejudice and was based on principles of racial, national and property equality, and also was based on main life priorities – physical and psychological health. Club organized sections of junior sport (moving) games, football, hard athletic, cycling, ski and skates. It created 2 ice playgrounds, sport field in Chernivtsi, sport sections in 2 cities named Radivtsi and Solka etc. Also they organized active participation of club members in competitions in athletics, swimming, tourism. Conclusion. For the period of existence of «Bukowiner Allgemeiner Sportklub» club its members created and supported an activity of sport sections, organized and made a lot of competitions and made a lot of sport equipment and playgrounds. There was a progressive beginnings such as flexible payment system, existence of benefits, a lot of types of sport activities and wide campaign of popularization of the healthy lifestyle. So, in summary, club was active member of a sport movement on Bucovina, and actions of its members started the development of sport in region.
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