Results of the use of Integratedprogram of Physical Rehabilitation of Sportsmen after Damages of Ankle Joint


  • Yоussef Sharbel Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



ankle joint, physical rehabilitation, east massage, east bath-house, ambulatory stage


The aim of work was an improvement of results of physical rehabilitation of sportsmen of playing types of sport (on the example of football) with the intra-articular damages of ankle joint on the ambulatory stage by optimization and increase of efficiency of the differentiated application of rehabilitation measures, computer-integrated in a training process. In basis of this work was the fixed results of watching 36 sportsmen of 18–24, which engage in football, which got the inwardly-arthral damages of ankle joint, and are on the ambulatory stage of treatment. Researches were conducted in the clinic of the Medical center of «Mir Majid Erslan» of Beirut (Lebanon) on the base of cabinet of physical therapy. The trauma sportsmen of control group got the complex of rehabilitation measures on the traditional program of physical rehabilitation, accepted in this clinic. Injured basic group there was the offered complex of rehabilitation measures according to worked out by us programs, which included for itself the use of integrated in a training process medical gymnastics by the use of procedures of the modified ethnic Arabic bath-house by the successive use of procedures with the elements of the ethnic Arabic massage. For the estimation of efficiency of measures of physical rehabilitation of sportsmen we used the 100-levels scale of estimation of results of treatment of NEER (Neer - Grantham - Shelton (1967) in modification of D. Cherkes-Zade, М. Monesi, A. Causero, M. Marcolini (2003)). For the study of dynamics of change of quality of life of sportsmen and level of professional rehabilitation we used medic and sociological methodologies, namely: visual analog scale (Visual Analog Scale, VAS) and questionnaire of EuroQol-5D. The analysis of results of the conducted physical rehabilitation showed that at the positive dynamics of changes of the functional state of injured both clinical groups more expressed and for certain the best results were got in a victim basic group, which conducted a physical rehabilitation in obedience to the program offered by us.


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Results of the use of Integratedprogram of Physical Rehabilitation of Sportsmen after Damages of Ankle Joint. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 91-97.