Peculiarity and Indicators of Students Attention to Institute of Information Technologies


  • Andrіі Andres National University "Lviv Polytechnic"



psychophysical training, professional-applied physical training, physical education


Relevance of Research Topic. The high level of development of psychophysical qualities of a specialist promotes high efficiency and good health, professional success. The positive influence of the use of games in the physical education of students on their psychophysical indicators is proved. The existence of the relationship between individual indicators of psychophysical and physical preparedness is proved. However, the lack of information on the degree of interconnection between the level of development of agility and the indicators of attention in the students of the specialty «information technology» inhibit the process of finding effective means of physical education students of computer specialties, although the concentration and stability of attention are professional-significant psychophysical qualities of students of information and logic groups of specialties. The aim of the work was to find out the possibilities of improving the indicators of concentration, stability and switching the attention of the students of the Institute of Information Technologies to the development of agility. Methods. The experiment was attended by 548 male students of the first year of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology. Attention was determined using Bourdon's corrective test. The agility was determined by the result of a shuttle run of 4 × 9 m. A correlation analysis was conducted. Results of Work. Only a small number (5,1 %) of students showed a very high concentration of attention. One third of students had high and very high (36,7 and 3,5 %) levels of sustainability. According to concentration and sustainability indicators, 16,1 and 21,3 % of students need urgent correction because they have low and very low rates; and by indicators of switching the attention of such students is significantly higher (28,2 %). Dexterity has a higher than average impact on the indicators of switching attention. Conclusions. Students of the Institute of Information Technologies require focused development of attention within the framework of psychophysical training during academic or extra-curricular physical education classes. Effective ones can be tools for developing agility.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Peculiarity and Indicators of Students Attention to Institute of Information Technologies. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 55-61.