The Method of Forming a Healthy Lifestyle of Students in the Health Fundamentals Learning Process.


  • Maria Goncharenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Tetiana Parfinenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University



individual typological features, health, personality, youth, educational process, behavior, techniques


Relevance of the Theme. Educational reform requires to introduce innovative teachingmethods into pedagogical processthat would stimulate and motivate students to personal development. The use of modern techniques in the health fundamentals learning processenables to create health preservingcompetence among students, increase their interest in heath preserving subjects and change their attitude towards their  own health and  the health of others. The method of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in the health fundamentals learning process is aimed at the acknowledgement and development of personal qualities, as well as the disclosure of the creative and physical potential of the individual. The objective of the work is to develop a method of forming a healthy lifestyle of  students in  the health fundamentals learning process. Methods. Analysis of scientific publications, interviews, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment. Results.The work explores and identifies the differences and features of applying the «healthy lifestyle» and «healthy way of life» categories. The author considers the purpose and tasks of the method of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in the health fundamentals learning process, as well as defines the methods of teaching, theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the results of the formation of the students’ healthy lifestyle, and the criteria and indicators: motivational and value, cognitive-theoretical, operational- technological, reflexive-estimating. The method of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in the health fundamentals learning processincreases students' cognitive and creative activity, stimulates the development of physical, moral and intellectual potential, helps to identify individual typological features of the person and forms new behavioral skills. Conclusions. The implementation of this method can increase the students' interest in health problems, master  the culture   of health, realize the unique value of the very phenomenon of «health» and form their own healthy lifestyle.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

The Method of Forming a Healthy Lifestyle of Students in the Health Fundamentals Learning Process. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 37-44.