Problems of the Content of the Technical and Tactical Preparation of the Variational Module «Handball» of the Curriculum on Physical Education for General Education Institutions (Grades 5–9)


  • Mykhailo Oliiar Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil national pedagogical university



updated curriculum, handball, technique, tactic, methods, terminology


Relevance. The reform of education in Ukraine is carried out, among other things, through the modernization of curricula. The basis of the current curriculum in physical education for general educational institutions (grades 5–9) is the content of the program 2009 which about the needs to be improved according to professionals. The considerable activity of the public commentators precededing the introduction of changes to this curriculum in 2017, confirmed the presence of deficiencies and the need for its updating. However, as evidenced by the «Report on the work done by the working group on updating the program «Physical Education. Grades 5–9» only 10 proposals were taken into consideration account and the authors of the updated document themselves did not make significant changes to the content of the modules except for some terminological corrections. The purpose of the research is to identify the content of the technical and tactical training of the optional «Handball» module of the physical education curriculum for grades 5–9 (2017) and to find ways to eliminate them. Research methods – theoretical analysis of the regulatory framework of education, theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature data. Results. The article examines the content of the technical-tactical training of the optional Handball module of the physical education curriculum for grades 5–9. The volume of the material proposed for the study, the methodical sequence of studying the technical and tactical elements, the structure frame of the educational material and its scientific nature were determined. The ways of eliminating terminological and methodical deficiencies are proposed. Conclusions. The study of the content of the optional «Handball» module of the physical culture curriculum for general education schools (grades 5–9) showed deficiencies related to an incomplete amount of material offered for study, discrepancy between the methodical sequence of mastering the elements of technology and tactics and recommendations of special literature and the terminology used.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Problems of the Content of the Technical and Tactical Preparation of the Variational Module «Handball» of the Curriculum on Physical Education for General Education Institutions (Grades 5–9). (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(44), 29-35.