Impact of Systematic Physical Exertion on Morpho-Functional Development of Schoolchildren


  • Evelina Zhyhuliova Ivan Ogienko Kamenetz-Podolsky National University
  • Ivan Stasyuk Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка



morphofunctional development, schoolchildren, physical exertion, sportsmen


The problem of children health retention and enhancement attracts more and more attention of experts from different spheres. Significant negative changes in the health state and morpho-functional development of schoolchildren that were observed during the recent years, on the one hand, are connected with the growth of studying exertion on the background of considerable breach of study and educational process organization conditions, on the other hand, with the decline in children organism functional reserves, on which the level of children organism adaptive resources depends. Among the chain of reasons causing increase in functional disorders and diseases of schoolchildren the insufficient movement activity takes the leading place. The objective of the research – to study the impact of systematic physical exertion on the morpho-functional development of senior schoolchidren.132 pupils of the 10-11 forms took part in the investigation (age group from 16 to 18 years old) participated in the research, including boys – 65 pupils, girls – 67 pupils. The whole contingent of the teenagers was divided by their age, gender and amount of movement regime. The first group included the pupils with low movement activity, who attended 2 Physical Training lessons at a comprehensive school. The second group (high movement regime) comprised teenager sportsmen, who played sports (basketball) 10–12 hours a week, with the prevailing development of organism aerobic resources. The pupils referred to the 1st and 2nd health groups and those who do not have chronic diseases as well as those who had not been ill for two weeks before the investigation were examined. Results. It was determined that the level of physical development, functional state of teenager organism are influenced by the amount of movement regime. It was revealed that boys and girls who go in for sport are characterized by a higher level of physical development and functional reserves. The teenagers that attend only Physical Training classes at a comprehensive school turned out to have a low level of physical development. The results of the research make it possible to predict the stages of the ultimate formation of children organism somatic and physiological rates, to facilitate more objective assessment of the functional state of organism vital systems.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Impact of Systematic Physical Exertion on Morpho-Functional Development of Schoolchildren. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3 (43), 78-85.