Features of physical preparedness of pupils of 5-6 classes in the context of the time norms of evaluation


  • Sofia Vlasova «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»




physical preparedness, state of health, 10–12 years old students


The article is devoted to the topic of the study of the peculiarities of the preparedness of the students of 5–6 grades of the secondary school and the modern approaches to its evaluation. Relevance of the Research Topic. Physical preparedness is one of the factors that characterizes the ability to work, the state of both physical and mental health. The low level of physical preparedness of the growing-up generation is a problem that is inherent in most European countries, including Ukraine. According to the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a significant number of students in secondary schools have a low level of health, which to a certain extent is due to insufficient level of their physical fitness. The state of health undergoes appropriate changes in this regard. Leading Ukrainian scientists advise to consider physical preparedness more widely, not limited only to the level of development of motor qualities and the mastery of certain motor activities. They insist on the mandatory consideration of the morpho-functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body, which will allow holistic and projective approach to the somatic formation of personality. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of physical preparedness of students of 5–6 grades. Research Methodology. The experiment was attended by 194 children, aged 10–12, of which 90 boys and 104 girls. The research was conducted on the basis of a specialized school № 269 in Kyiv with a profound study of the French language. The following motor tests were used to study the physical preparedness of schoolchildren of grades 5–6: «standing long jump» (speed-power qualities); «Push-up exercises» (strength of the muscles of the arms) for the girl; «Pull-up exercises» for the boys (strength of the muscles of the arms); «Shuttle run 9m x 4» (agility); «Run 30m» (speed quality); «Running 1000 m» (endurance); «Bending forward from sitting position» (flexibility). The strength of the muscles of the hand was measured with the help of a child's hand dynamometer. The data of the researches were subjected to mathematical and statistical processing in order to interpret the results of pedagogical experiments, as it required by similar studies in the field of physical culture and sports. Results of Work and Key Conclusions. The testing data analysis allows to conclude that the results of the students correspond to sufficient and high levels of competence in accordance with the school program «Physical Culture». (Grades 5–9), as well as the State Testing System of Ukraine. However, in our opinion, certain positions of the State Tests need to be revised, since they are slightly understated. Taking into account the fact that the level of physical fitness is interrelated with the level of somatic health of children, we believe that such «correction» of norms will not promote optimization of physical culture and health work in secondary schools.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Features of physical preparedness of pupils of 5-6 classes in the context of the time norms of evaluation. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3 (43), 63-72. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2018-03-63-72