The Influence of Swimming with Application of Aqua Fitness Elements and Intermediate Hypoxic Training on the Physical Preparedness of Girls 11–12 Years


  • Victoria Golovkina Mikhail Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University



anaerobic alactatic and lactate energy supply zone, aerobic energy supply zone, hypoxia, aqua fitness, swimming


The aim is to establish the integrated influence of training sessions, which used the elements of aqua fitness and interval hypoxic training, on the special physical training of girls 11–12 years old. Material: 64 athletes aged of 11–12 years, with a sports experience of 2–3 years took place in the research. Results. During 24 weeks at the different stages of  studying  (after 8, 16 and 24 weeks) the efficiency of the anaerobic alactated and lactate energy supply zones, as well as in the aerobic energy supply zone was studied. It has been established that training sessions of swimming with using of elements of aqua-fitness and interval hypoxic training with the device «Endogenic-01» to improve the indicators in the area of anaerobic alactatious and anaerobic lactate energy supply, efficiency in the zone of aerobic energy supply and power of anaerobic alactat system of girls 11–12 years old. For the first time, the elements of aqua fitness and interval hypoxic training were used in the training process of young swimmers. The expediency of such an innovation is explained by minimizing the negative impact on the children’s body of exercises on the development of force in conditions of the aquatic environment while improving the functional capabilities of the organism. The effectiveness of the complex application in the training process of the swimmers of the aqua fitness and the interval hypoxic training with the girls of 11–12 years is confirmed by the probable difference between the performance indicators in the aerobic energy supply zone (by 2,43 %), efficiency in the anaerobic lactate energy supply zone (6,67 %) and the power of anaerobic power supply systems (by 21,69 %) for representatives of groups of KG and BG2 and indicators of efficiency in the aerobic energy supply zone (by 2,31 %) and the capacity of anaerobic systems energy supply (to 15,00 %) in the group of representatives BG1 and BG2 in favor of the last after 24 weeks of employment for our proposed applications. Conclusions. The efficiency of complex application in swimming classes of aqua fitness elements and interval hypoxic training has been proved. The feasibility of such  combination is proved by the growth of performance indicators in areas of aerobic, anaerobic alactatic and lactate energy supply.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

The Influence of Swimming with Application of Aqua Fitness Elements and Intermediate Hypoxic Training on the Physical Preparedness of Girls 11–12 Years. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3 (43), 41-48.