Influence of Olympic Education is on Personality of Schoolchildren
olympic education, technology of education, olympism, olympic sport, educational institution, education, educationAbstract
Education is defined as an educational level, the achievement of which involves systematic and purposeful learning of the content of learning, then according to the current law, education is, first of all, a set of systematized competences, knowledge, skills, practical skills, ways of thinking (competences), professional, ideological, civic qualities and moral and ethical values acquired in institutions of secondary education. This fully corresponds to the European trends in the development of education based on a competent approach. Accordingly, educational activity is consider more broadly (not only as providing educational services with the issuance of the relevant document, but also focusing on satisfying the educational needs of the student). The quality of educational activities is considered not only as a set of characteristics of the education system and its components, but also the level of organization of the educational process, oriented both to ensure the acquisition of individuals qualitative education, and the creation of new knowledge. Conceptually, a model of a modern dynamic system is introduced, which should ensure the development of education with a wide involvement in the educational and organizational-managerial processes of scientific and pedagogical workers and youth. One of the main directions of the concept of educational development is the reformation of the content of education, which will allow the implementation of the ideas of Olympism in future activities; to ensure the distribution of Olympic education among different sections of the population. Innovative nature of the basic provisions of the law follows from the analysis of his thesaurus. Thus, the following categories of the main categories that are clearly defined and regulated by law include: education, educational institution, educational activity, quality of education, quality of educational activity, etc.
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