Program of Conditionning for Football Referees
referee, specialization, football, training, programAbstract
Novelty. Level of football referee conditioning directly influence on quantity and quality of lapses in judgment. So, design and implementation of effective training programs in pipe-line of referee is actual. Purpose of research: to prove the effectiveness of experimental program of football referee conditioning. Method of research: the reaction of organism on training loading was studied by pulsometer Polar M 200. The average age of experimental subject was 30 years. The program was tested on 10 referees. The first stage was planning. During second stage the theoretical design of experimental program was done. The third stage was a practical testing of program. The effectiveness was studied at the forth state. Result of Research. Experimental program consists of one training mesocycle divided into retractor, basic and control-preparative microcycles. Microcycles consist of training which have seven directions depend on their influence on organism. They are: uniform training, uniform training+, uniform and basic training, uniform and fast training, basic longtime training, fast training, fast and maximum training. Conclusions. Testing of experimental program has proved its effectiveness. It was shown the increasing of 10 km distance rate of advance with the same average heart rate, it was accompanied by tendency to energy demands decreasing. Analysis of running index shown positive ynamics of conditioning changes in the context of experimental program in general and in any referee certain. At the start of program the mean group running index was estimated as «average» during realization of program it was improved to «very good».
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