Analysis of Physical Preparedness of Students Based on the Results of Tests and Standards of Annual Evaluation
physical preparedness, physical education, students, testingAbstract
The article deals with the problem of physical preparedness of student youth of higher educational institutions of different levels of accreditation. Among the students
of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (n = 4636) and the Medical College at Danylo Halytskyi LNMU (n = 327) there were conducted tests and norms of the annual assessment of physical preparedness, which correspond to their age rating. The level of physical preparedness of the students of these universities according to gender, age and training courses is analyzed. The research made it possible to find out that first-year students of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv have a lower level of physical preparedness compared to senior students. Physical preparedness equals 34,47 % (male students) and 42,55 % (female students), which is considered to be at a low level.
It was established that sedentary lifestyle of students at university and medical college, which is observed in young students and often limited only to physical education classes at the university (2 hours per week),which is well below the needs of the young body and has a negative impact in terms of physical preparedness. The obtained results of students’ PP should become an important factor in increasing the motivation of students to systematical training in physical culture and sports, as well as optimization of physical education at higher educational establishments.Among the students of the Medical College at Danylo Halytskyi LNMU, a decrease was observed in the number of students with a sufficient level of PP at 27 % and an increase of 30 % with an average level from І to IV course. Reduced qualitative assessment in test exercises for flexibility and running for short distances was observed. The low results were shown by female students of all courses of study in the following exercises: the jump in length from the place and the bending of the extension of the hands in the emphasis.
It was established that sedentary lifestyle of students at university and medical college, which is observed in young students and often limited only to physical education classes at the university (2 hours per week),which is well below the needs of the young body and has a negative impact in terms of physical preparedness. The obtained results of students’ PP should become an important factor in increasing the motivation of students to systematical training in physical culture and sports, as well as optimization of physical education at higher educational establishments.
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