Теchnology of Modelling the Motion Kinematic Structure During Technical Preparation of Skilled Javelin Throwers. The Urgency of the Research Problem
mean group models, regression models, prognostic model characteristicsAbstract
The development and usage of models are connected with modelling – the process of designing, studying and using models for determination and specification of characteristics and optimization of the process of athletic preparation and participation in competitions. Therefore, elaboration of the technology for modelling the motion kinematic structure within the process of skilled javelin throwers’ preparation is a hot scientific topic requiring detailed studying and substantiating. Objective and Methods of Study. To develop the technology of modelling the motion kinematic structure in the process of technical preparation of skilled javelin throwers. The following methods of study were used in the furtherance of the objective: analysis of scientific and methodical literature and Internet information; video recording; video computer analysis; modelling; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Mean group models of biomechanical structure of javelin thrower motor actions, regression models of javelin throwing techniques, prognostic model characteristics of javelin throwing techniques have been developed, and on this basis, the technology of modelling the motion kinematic structure in the process of technical preparation of skilled javelin throwers has been elaborated. Conclusions. The technology of modelling kinematic and dynamic motion structure in the process of technical preparation of skilled javelin throwers has been elaborated and substantiated. It is focused on the achievement of target sports results on the basis of the developed mean group, regression models and prognostic model characteristics being the foundation for selecting special preparation means maximally close to the competitive activity in form and structure, which contributes to the improvement of technical skills of athletes specialized in javelin throwing.
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