history of physical culture, physical culture of Belarusians, traditions, functionsAbstract
Relevance. The study of the history of physical culture makes it possible to reveal the laws of its development, the relationship with socio-political and economic factors. The aim of the research is to substantiate the essence, types and structure of the traditional physical culture of Belarusians. Results of the Research. Traditional physical culture has been the main type of physical culture of the Belarusian people for about a thousand years. It is regarded as the activity of the society aimed at the formation, development and support of the physical qualities of a person with the goal of educating the personality of an owner, a protector of the family, and the clan. Conclusions. Traditional physical culture includes the following basic subsystems: general physical culture, professionally applied physical culture, remedial fitness, social institutions of the physical culture, spiritual values of physical culture and it performed world-view, aesthetic, communicative, and transformative functions.
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