The Development and Establishment of Ball Games in the Ancient World


  • Hennadii Petrenko National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine



ball games, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome


The article deals with the data concerning the genesis, establishment and development of ball games in Ancient Greece and Rome. Their essence and social functions have been defined. The consecrated and ceremonial character of ball games peculiar to ancient civilizations has been emphasized (a ball as a sacred item created by gods impersonated the Sun, the Moon and the Earth). In the classical antiquity a ball was both the acquisition of gods and the point of all the social spheres. It was treated as a toy for children, a means of physical education and training, an effective way to revitalize the human body in health-related and free-time activities. Thus, ball games have been proved to execute significant social functions. The aim of the research is to outline the role of ball games for the citizenry of Ancient Greece and Rome, to characterize the essence and functions of ball games. The tasks of the research are to investigate and analyze artifacts that are connected with ball games of the Classical Antiquity in a direct or roundabout way and to reveal the consistent patterns of their development and establishment in all life spheres. The content is provided with archaeological, ethnographic and literary data and items of fine arts, whereas the research methods comprise the analysis and summarizing of historic data, defining historical analogy, contrasting and comparing. The research results have enabled the following conclusions. Ball games were treated as a vital phenomenon in the Classical Antiquity and left a legacy for the common humanity heritage and physical education alike. A ball and ball games can be accentuated as both a social phenomenon evolving constantly and one of the favourite entertaining kinds of ancient Greeks and Romans.

Author Biography

  • Hennadii Petrenko, National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine
    Ph. D. in Pedagogical Sciences


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

The Development and Establishment of Ball Games in the Ancient World. (2017). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(39), 103-109.