Influence of Powerlifting Practicing on Psychophysiological Indices of Students with Affections of Locomotor Apparatus


  • San Zhen Qiang Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture


trainings, disease, health, aim, motivation, personality, powerlifting, psychophysiological, condition, students, testing


The problem of improvement students’ health is one of the priorities at the modern stage of development of Ukraine. One of the priority directions of this problem solving is working out and implementation of the special methods based on physical exercises. The article dedicated to solving of this very problem. The aim of the investigation is to study psychophysiological characteristics of students-power lifters with affections of locomotor apparatus and their group mates with the same affections who don’t practice physical culture, in order to define the degree of influence of powerlifting trainings on their organisms and development of the suitable methodology. Methods of the study: theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization of information, psychological diagnostics, mathematical statistics and pedagogical experiment. The experiment involved 39 male students aged 18–22 with affections of locomotor apparatus (21 persons were practicing powerlifting for 1 year, 18 – for 2 years and 29 men did not practicing physical culture). In the article due to the results of scientific studies it is grounded the possibility of physical rehabilitation of students with affections of locomotor apparatus with the help of special methods of powerlifting practicing. Also it is proved that powerlifting trainings have positive influence on students with affections of locomotor apparatus.

Author Biography

  • San Zhen Qiang, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Influence of Powerlifting Practicing on Psychophysiological Indices of Students with Affections of Locomotor Apparatus. (2015). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(32), 82-86.