Condition of Students External Respiration



health, pneumotachography, external respiration, students, medical group


The article considers the problem of deteriorating state of students health of higher educational establishments. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature has revealed that the reason for this is the low level of physical activity, long-term residence on radiation contaminated territories of III–IV category; low level of physical development and physical preparedness, ecological and hygienic terms of dwelling of students and bad habits. The aim of the study was the analysis of indicators of external respiration of students of basic and special medical groups, because under the intense loads external respiration system may limit the efficiency of the body. To achieve the aims of the work such methods as analysis and generalization of literary sources and pneumotachography were used. Statistical processing of the obtained data was performed in the program Medstat. Boys and girls of special medical group had the decrease in lung capacity and forced vital capacity of the lungs not only in comparison with the main group, but with the norm. Their decline may indicate a weakness of the respiratory muscles. Indicators of forced expiratory volume of boys of special medical group is in average somewhat smaller than the main one. It was found out that most of the velocity parameters of external respiration in special medical group is significantly below the norm. This may indicate bronchial obstruction of the large and small bronchi. The narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi of different caliber may increase the energy costs of ventilation. The rapid growth of the samples Tiffeneau were indentified. The results of the study indicate a deterioration of volumetric and velocity parameters of external respiration function and its effectiveness among students of special medical group. A reduction in the functional indicators of the respiratory system was also registered by students of basic medical group. Training of health forms of physical culture will enhance the functionality of the respiratory apparatus.

Author Biography

  • Andrii Shevchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

    старший викладач кафедри олімпійського та професійного спорту


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Condition of Students External Respiration. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(34), 82-87.

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