Physical Condition Markers of Men of Mature Age in High Intensity Physical Activity During the Summer Season



physical activity of high intensity, physical condition, individual planning of physical activity


Topicality. Physical activity of average and high intensity is an important component of health and longevity of men of mature age. Physical activity of average intensity may be provided in the process of everyday, social activities. For physical activity of high intensity it is required physical readiness of an organism which is reflected in physical conditions of a human. And it may change under the influence of seasonal factors. Objective. To identify peculiarities of physical condition of men of mature age on the eve of high intensity physical activity in summer which may be used as informative markers for individual operational planning of high intensity physical activity. Methods. It was investigated the body mass index, physical condition according to the method of Baevsky among men aged 35–50 who lead a healthy lifestyle. The study was conducted every day in the morning and evening. Results were compared: the day before, the day of high intensity physical activity and with an average index per month. Physical activity was studied by the IPAQ method. Results. It was found significant (p<0,05) differences in the physical condition of men the day before and the day of physical activity of high intensity. Found changes were: body weight, heart rate, physical condition of men according to the estimation of adaptive potential by Baevsky. The most significant indices were identified as a marker. For testing its effectiveness men were offered during a month to plan individual physical activity of high intensity according to this marker. The result was the significant (p<0,05) increase of the number and duration of high intensity physical activity, better physical condition to 5,66 % in the complex test by Baevsky. Conclusions. The important role in planning of high intensity physical activity plays the physical condition of mature men. Informative marker in the summer season may be deteriorating of physical condition of men according to estimation of the Baevsky potential to 3,29 % for prompt planning of physical activity of high intensity for this day.

Author Biography

  • Oles Pryshva, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
    PhD in pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, doctoral candidate


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Physical Condition Markers of Men of Mature Age in High Intensity Physical Activity During the Summer Season. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1(33), 69-75.