Social, Economic, and Political Preconditions of the First Physical Culture Curriculum Construction in Independent Ukraine


  • Inna Omelianenko Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University



curriculum, physical education, independence of Ukraine, social relations, economic transformations


Research Relevance. During the Ukraine independence, its school system of education lies in the zone of continuous change: reforms, modernizations, transformations, renewals, the fundamental direction of which is to build national humane, democratic, and personality-oriented school. Among its unresolved issues is the imperfection of the content of general secondary education, which is a primary component of the educational system. The content of education in the generalized form reflects the level of culture achieved by society for its further promotion. Physical education, as one of the forms of social relations, is a product of active social and economic formation. Therefore, the physical education system functioning and its changes are conditioned by social and cultural, political and religious, economic and personality factors. Their studying will help to comprehend the regularities of the development of the physical education system in Ukraine; will contribute to the creation of scientifically grounded direction of its further progress; will prevent subjective decisions; will form national self- consciousness as the condition for preserving Ukraine's independence. The Research Aimed to identify the political, economic and social preconditions for the development of the physical education curriculum for secondary schools (1993). Research Methods include study and generalization of information resources, comparative analysis, causal analysis, hermeneutic method. Research Results. The development of the first curriculum in physical education in independent Ukraine (1993) introduced into the practice of secondary schools shortly after the proclamation of its independence, duplicated its predecessor in the USSR (1988) in the main provisions of the explanatory note despite minor differences. The inertial «echo» of the Soviet system in the adopted document is preconditioned by a number of objective political, economic, and social circumstances: the declaration of Ukraine independence in 1991; insufficient time for officials to realize their place in the process of state formation and the scale of new tasks; the dominance of bureaucratic management methods and the unreadiness of specialists to demonstrate independence in making original decisions; the lack of economical transformations, poverty and social insecurity of Ukrainians; the echo of the hierarchy of cultural values of Soviet times.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Social, Economic, and Political Preconditions of the First Physical Culture Curriculum Construction in Independent Ukraine. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(51), 10-16.