The Effect of Giving Cold Therapy to Decreased Pain Sprain Ankle Basket Ball Players


  • Martha Pastari Health Polytechnic Public Health Ministry
  • Syokumawena Syokumawena Health Polytechnic Public Health Ministry



Heat Therapy, Cold Therapy, Sprain Ankle


Sprain, is an injury to a joint that results in a torn ligament that functions as a binding between bones and as a stabilizer for the joint that occurs due to excessive pressure and sudden movements repeatedly. It is estimated that nearly 1,6 million injuries occur in connection with basketball in Indonesia. The epidemiology of injuries to male basketball players during training is 4,3 per 1000 while the competition is 9,9 per 1000. This study is an experimental study with a Two Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design. The research subjects were 30 permanent members of the Bangau Basketball Club which were divided into 2 groups: O1 group was a group that was given cold therapy before training alone, O2 group was a group that was given cold therapy after exercise alone. The study was conducted in October-November 2018. There was a difference between pain intensity and the degree of ankle sprain O1 group before and after exercise with the pain intensity difference test value of 0,000 and the value of the ankle sprain degree difference test result of 0,029 (p <0,05). There was a difference between the intensity of pain and the degree of ankle sprain in the O2 group before and after exercise with the test value of the pain intensity difference of 0,024 and the value of the test result of the degree of ankle sprain difference of 0,047 (p <0,05). Wilcoxon test results showed that there was an effect of cold therapy to reduce ankle sprain pain with p <0,05.


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

The Effect of Giving Cold Therapy to Decreased Pain Sprain Ankle Basket Ball Players. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (49), 102-106.