The Influence of Participating in Sports on Shaping Masculine and Feminine Character Traits of Schoolchildren of Different Age Groups


  • Tetiana Krutsevych National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Oksana Marchenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport



pupils, gender differences, physical culture, sport, masculinity, femininity, androgenity


Topicality. The different aspects of gender problem and gender approach at pupils‟ physical education are considered in the research. Tasks of the Research. Gender identity manifestations of schoolchildren were investigated. An influence of participation in sports on shaping a gender personality type for young men and young women from different age groups was identified. The Research Methods. Theoretical methods of research were used: analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, theoretical modeling. The questioner worked out by Sundry Bam «Masculinity-femininity» and methods of mathematical statistics were used. Pupils of 5–11 grades (638 pupils) took part in the researching. The Results of the Research. The knowledge of the influence of participation in sports on formation masculinity traits of teenagers‟ characters was taken. It was founded that for young men who participates in sports, on the group level, the occurrence of masculinity becomes bigger. It is 50 % more than for men who do not participate in sports. The occurrence of masculinity, on the young women‟ group level, who participates in sport more than 30 % in comparison with young women who do not participate in sports. Conclusions. After the carried out study we drew a conclusion that practicing sport promotes the development of certain masculine characteristics. What is more it concerns female. It means that females who actively participate in sport are more masculine in comparison with those who do not. Due to effective approaches and methods of physical activity, orientation on motor activity, pupils are consolidated with patterns of behavior and personality qualities which shape the gender. Received data are the ground of the further and depth studying in the field of physical culture and sport, the results of which will become a theoretical ground of the conception of the gender approach at pupils‟ physical education.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

The Influence of Participating in Sports on Shaping Masculine and Feminine Character Traits of Schoolchildren of Different Age Groups. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (49), 74-89.