Methodological Bases of the Motor Activity Organisation among Preschoolers Depending on the Physical State Level




preschool educational institution, children of younger preschool age, organization of motor activity


Introduction. Recently the problem of health decreasing of preschoolers causes anxiety. Increasing the level of physical state of children of primary school age largely depends on the optimal motor regime in preschool education institutions. Its content is a set of organizational forms of  physical education (physical education classes, physical and recreational activities in day mode, leisure, independent physical activity of children), which are used in the pedagogical process in the institution of preschool education. The purpose is to scientifically substantiate the organizational and methodological approaches to the organization of younger  preschoolers` motor activity in preschool education institutions of various types in order to increase their level of physical state. The studies were conducted during 2013-2014 years in preschool educational institutions of general development, combined, sanatorium and compensatory types. Developed organizational and methodological approaches were implemented in the following organizational forms of physical education in preschool educational institutions: physical education classes, physical training and recreational activities, activities in the day regime, active rest, independent children's motor activity in the daily regime. Methods – theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature and Internet sources) pedagogical (observation, experiment). Results. The forms of work and types of motor activity are determined  to optimize the physical state of children 3-4 years old in preschool institutions of various types. The organization of the process of children's motor activity in preschool educational institutions includes the following components: organized forms of children's motor activity, an integrated approach to methods of regulating motor activity, a variety of movements in organized forms of motor activity, independent motor activity, inter-age game interaction. Conclusions. Organizational and methodological approaches to the organization of a rational motor regime of children 3-4 years old in institutions of preschool education of various types are justified. The proposed model for optimizing the motor activity of younger preschoolers age does not replace and does not exclude compulsory physical education classes in accordance with the state programs of upbringing and development of a child.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Methodological Bases of the Motor Activity Organisation among Preschoolers Depending on the Physical State Level. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(46), 28-34.