Forming Health Culture as a Part of Youth Education


  • Igor Sukhenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



physical education, valeology, healthy lifestyle, environment, life safety.


Topicality. The formation of a health culture is a topic that requires a comprehensive in-depth study, in which scientists from many fields of science should take  

part. The health of the nation directly affects the working capacity and productivity of labor, the country's economy, the moral climate in society, the education of the younger generation, reflects the image and quality of life. The purpose of the research is to identify the conditions and factors, which are necessary for a health culture formation of younger generation. Research methods – analysis of sources, system-structural analysis. The Results of the Study. An important preventive factor in strengthening human health is a healthy lifestyle. It is argued that the formation of a culture of health for the younger generation should be a priority area in public policy. The practical side of providing health is the creation of the necessary economic, social and spiritual conditions. Health as a cognitive problem arises in connection with the need to bring into line previous preconceptions about human health with the current level of science and practice (i.e, on the new methodological, theoretical and empirical levels). In our opinion, the culture of personal  health  is  a  comprehensive program that functions on the basis of obtaining and understanding knowledge about heath, with the aim of improving the functioning of vital functions and the state of human organs, continuing its physical  and creative longevity. The harmony  of physical development, as a combination of morphological and functional characteristics, is one of the most important indicators of human health. Conclusions. The factors affecting the formation of a culture of youth health, namely: the environment, ecology and personality are considered. It is argued that the following forms contribute to the process of shaping a culture of youth health: the availability of a theoretical basis, a practical component,  including  illustrative example, self-improvement motivation, heredity and ecology. Present its own views of the forms and factors of forming a culture of health of young people.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Forming Health Culture as a Part of Youth Education. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 29-36.