Characteristic of Social Conflicts in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports




social conflicts, the sphere of physical culture and sports, the space of legal regulation, the geometric model.


Relevance of the Research  Topic. In any interpersonal relationships often arise conflict situations.  The field of physical culture and  sports is also no exception. In the conditions of intensive training and competitive activity, tension and conflict potential  increase. This is due to the lack of psychological preparation of the individual for constructive interaction. In this regard,  the importance of scientific research of social conflicts that arise in the field of physical culture and sports with the use of an integrated approach is actualized. The purpose of the research is to characterize the legal nature of social conflicts in  the field of physical culture and sports. Methods of research – analysis and synthesis of literary sources; system analysis; math modeling. Results of the Study. Systematization of scientific studies of social conflicts in  the  field  of physical culture and sports allowed to find out their temporal and spatial framework, to characterize the participants, subject, object, stage of development and types. The essence of social conflicts, which may or may not be legal in nature, is disclosed. The features of legal conflicts and their manifestation in the field of physical culture and sports are determined. A geometric model is constructed that characterizes the space of legal regulation of social conflicts. Conclusions. It is revealed that conflicts in the sphere of physical culture and sports are related to the social type of conflicts, which are characterized by frames, participants, object, object, stages of development and type. It has been established that in the real practice of development of the sphere of physical culture and sports there are various kinds of social conflicts that are of a legal   nature. They are solved using legal means and may be subject to consideration by such legal institutions as, for example, sports arbitration. The constructed model reflects the space of legal regulation of social conflicts. It is formed  on the basis   of three component characteristics: «needs», «resolution possibilities» and «satisfaction measures». They form three two- dimensional spaces, where the diagonals form a coordinate system.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Characteristic of Social Conflicts in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 22-28.