Introduction of a Special Course as an Element of Professional Training of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports


  • Viktoriia Babalich Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University



healthy lifestyle, students, professional competence, special course, physical education and sports



Actuality. Today, in the context of reforming secondary education, the «New Ukrainian School» traditionally remains a strategic priority at the state level to preserve the health of the population. To address this issue, it is necessary to strengthen the professional training of specialists in physical education and sports in higher education institutions, taking into account new requirements. In this connection, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions that promote the formation of the students' need for self-introduction of a healthy lifestyle, improve skills and abilities, accelerate the development of the personality of the student who wants to achieve a high professional level, change the ideological positions of the individual, make the student seriously, responsibly and creatively ways to attract citizens to a healthy lifestyle. Aim. To develop the program in a special course «Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of citizens», which will promote the formation of professional competencies in students of physical education. Material and methods. 60 students of ІІІ–ІV courses, specialty 017 «Physical culture and sports», 014,11. «Secondary education (Physical culture)» of the faculty of physical education Central Ukrainian-Ukrainian Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko were involved in the special course. During the research the methods of theoretical knowledge and specific scientific. Results. The program is presented to the special course «Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of citizens», its structure and content are revealed, methodical recommendations are developed, as well as pedagogical conditions, which will promote the acquisition of professional competencies. Conclusions. Introduction of the special course «Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of citizens» in the process of training physical education specialists in higher education institutions will enhance the acquisition of professional competencies, the proposed action algorithm will help to acquire the necessary practical skills and carry out the transfer of knowledge from the learning situation to professional activities.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Introduction of a Special Course as an Element of Professional Training of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(44), 14-20.