Ontology of the Development of the Sports Law Branch


  • Marina Sannikova Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture




system of law, sphere of physical culture and sport, branch of law, legal relations.


Relevance of the Research Topic. The dynamic development of social relations, as well as the complication of the mechanisms of their legal regulation led to the numerous scientific discussions on the system and structure of law. This is primarily about the issue of identifying new branches of law. The modern stage of development of professional sports indicates the accumulation of a sufficiently large amount of specific features of building relationships in the field of physical culture and sports, which require their legal permission, which determines the need to form the field of sports law. The purpose of the research is to find out the necessity, validity and expediency of distinguishing the branch of sports law. Methods of research the analysis of literary sources and the method of historicism. Results of the Study. The legal system has a complex, multi-level structure containing hierarchical relationships, the central element of which is a complex of fundamental branches of law: constitutional, administrative, civil, criminal law, and others. Besides the study of issues related to the need to identify new branches of law and secondary entities in the existing system of law, there being a scientific discussion. Sports law is a complex branch of law, a special combination of norms that make up a secondary integrated education. Conclusions. It was revealed that the organizational and legal problems of the management of physical culture and sports and the legal nature of forms of management as a whole remains fundamentally insufficiently studied. It is established that in the context of the emergence and formation of the sports law branch, the very essence of sport is regarded as a complex component of physical culture, its functions and significance as a community and social phenomenon in the structure of a particular state. It is established that a complete representation of this phenomenon and its fundamental justification can be achieved only from the position of the modern theory of systems.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Ontology of the Development of the Sports Law Branch. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(44), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2018-04-03-09