Improvement of Physical Fitness of Transport College Students Through Running


  • Stanislav Galandzovskii Mikhail Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University
  • Alla Sulyma Mikhail Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University
  • Anatolii Korolchuk Mikhail Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University



students, physical preparedness, transport college


Aim of the research was to study the influence of running exercises in the aerobic regime of energy supply on the indicators of transport college students’ physical preparedness.  In the course of research, theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodological literature, physical fitness tests, methods of mathematical statistics were used. The research was conducted in September 2015 – April 2016, based on the Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsiubynsky. The study involved 44 students of the Vinnitsa Transport College of the male sex. Students were divided into two groups of control and main groups. Influence of a 24-week program with running exercises in the aerobic regime of energy supply was studied.  Effectiveness of exercises using aerobic exercise in aerobic exercise was studied by their ability to influence the physical fitness of students at the Transport College. It was established that «The curriculum for physical education for higher education institutions of I-II accreditation level» does not lead to the likely positive changes in the physical preparedness of the students of the transport college. Introduction of running exercises in the aerobic regime of energy supply in the classes of transport college students three times a week improves their  general endurance, speed endurance and speed-strength endurance; strength dynamic endurance of lower limb muscles as well as strength static endurance of  back muscles, gluteus muscles and posterior thigh. After 24 weeks of classes with running exercises in the aerobic regime of energy supply the students showed a possible increase in the values of general endurance (by 4,35 %), speed endurance (by 3,73 %), strength dynamic endurance of lower limb muscles (by 8,27 %) and static endurance of  back muscles, gluteus muscles and posterior thigh (by 5,39 %) (p<0,05).


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Improvement of Physical Fitness of Transport College Students Through Running. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3 (43), 73-77.